Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Obesity - Treating the Source

Obesity is not just a physical phenomenon involving diet and exercise. It is broader and deeper than that. It has an energetic emotional-based foundation. This has to be attended to if we were to effectively deal with the problem of obesity. Various approaches which do not place the problem of of obesity in its proper perspective just do not stand the chance of being successful.

One of the obstinate sources of Obesity, like many other problems, is anchored in the deeper recesses of the subconscious. Life is an hypnotizing journey of conflicting non physical experiences stored in the archives of our inner mind and affecting our bodily systems and functions. This affects the response of our auto defense system and how the conflict manifests itself - in the case of obesity it is obvious.

Hence the effective resolution of these deep-rooted emotional conflicts holds the secret of obesity.

Our Program - the resolution of the conflicts together with the use of our sucrose-based energy imprinted formulas - provides a natural, enjoyable and effective experience in saying good-bye to your obesity permanently. The Program will also get rid of the source of whatever ailments and problems that you have. And not least the Program enables you to regain your birth right to be slim and attractive.


razak tun embung said...

Do you have anything on coconut oil and slimming?

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